Monday, February 4, 2013

Thrift Store Shopping

I love getting out and shopping thrift stores with my mom! You never know what great item you will find in a thrift store that is just calling out to you, "Take me home! Make me into something beautiful"!

My mom and I set out one Sunday to browse the thrift stores in town. We also hit some furniture stores, which really didn't interest me. I like to find treasures, not new stuff. lol

Our last stop that day was the Goodwill store. This one is one of my favs because I have found some great items there. I had been eyeballing an antique dresser there since before Christmas to see if they might lower the price. Of course they hadn't, but they moved it from the back of the store to the front. I figured I had better make an offer or someone else might! They were asking $50.00 for it and that really wasn't a bad deal since it was still in very good shape, considering.

My mom encouraged me to go ask if they would take less for I went and to my surprise....they said I could have it for $35.00! Yes! Sold!

Here is what the dresser looked like once I got it home and into my makeshift workshop...the garage (thanks honey!)

It's almost completely finished and I am hoping to have it in our bedroom before the day is out. I'll be posting more photos and how I got the look! Stay tuned...

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Homemade Laundry Detergent

Several friends have been asking me about how I make my homemade laundry detergent so I thought I would share my two recipes here.

I have one recipe for liquid detergent that I use when I have more time to make it. I also have one for dry detergent for those days when I realize I am out of laundry detergent and forgot to make any! Yikes! It is busy~

Here are the main ingredients:

I have also started adding Purex Crystals to each batch because I like to have fragrance!

Once you have your ingredients, which can all be found in the laundry aisle at Walmart, here is how you make the liquid version:

Making your own liquid laundry detergent is easy & dirt cheap. This low sudsing, softening recipe works great, smells great and makes 2 gallons.

1/3 Bar Fels Naptha Soap, Grated - I just use a regular cheese grater
1/2 Cup Washing Soda
1/2 Cup Borax
1 c. Purex Laundry Softener Crystals (any scent you like)
2 Gallon Bucket
1 Quart
Hot Water
Cold Water

Dissolve Fels Naptha in about 2 cups of water in a saucepan over low heat, until completely smooth, add washing soda & Borax. Stir until thickened, and remove from heat. In a 2 gallon bucket, pour 1 Quart Hot Water, add soap mixture, and mix well. Dissolve 1 c. of purex laundry softener crystals in the soap mix, stirring well. Fill bucket with cold water, and mix well. Set aside for 24 hours, or until mixture thickens and gels.

For the Dry Mixture:

I use the same products as the liquid - you can also add Oxy Clean to it, but I choose not to. I've read several reviews where is causes colors to fade, which would defeat the purpose as far as I am concerned.

Also, I've started using regular Ivory bar soap and like it better than the Fels Naptha Soap. It just has a fresher smell and if you have sensitive skin, it's a better option.

2- 3.1 oz bars of Ivory Soap or 1 bar of the Fels Naptha Soap - grated
2- Cups of Borax
2-Cups of Washing Soda
1.5 Cups of Purex Crystals - I don't really measure this - I just add enough to get the scent I want

I mix all of the ingredients together in a clean plastic tub with a large spoon. Once it is all well mixed, I store it in an airtight container and it's ready to go!

I use about 2-3 Tablespoons per load and the clothes turn out great!

Now here is the best part...see what it costs to make your own laundry detergent! Imagine what you will be saving each year!

Fels Naptha .99 bar
Borax 76 oz box = 9.5 cups $3.29 box = .34 c per cup
Washing Soda 55 oz box =6.875 cups - $2.97 box = .43 per cup

That's a $1.76 and it will wash 128 loads of laundry!! Are you kidding me?

You can even make these into gifts for friends and family by packaging them in decorated mason jars with the recipe attached! Your friends and family will love you because you have just shared a great recipe and savings on to them!